Summit Cabin

Spaciousness, comfort, and uniqueness with the best views.

Enjoy the vastness of Cerdanya from our most spacious accommodation, designed for families or groups of friends and ready to host up to 6 guests.

A large living room with a kitchen, two cozy bedrooms, and a bathroom complete the space with panoramic views.

4-6 personas


Book now

Featured amenities

  • Queen bed
    Queen bed
  • XL bunk bed
    XL bunk bed
  • Full bathroom + kit
    Full bathroom + kit
  • Fully equipped kitchen
    Fully equipped kitchen
  • Large living room
    Large living room
  • Private hammock
    Private hammock
  • Outside terrace
    Outside terrace

Customize your stay

  • Kit campfire
    Campfire kit
  • Barbacoa
  • Kit mascotas
    Pet kit
  • Kit bebes
    Baby kit
  • WiFi
  • Take away
    Take away
  • Lavandería